Thursday, November 11, 2010

this is pretty cool

Just trying out my new app that lets me post to my blog through my phone! This definitely is a game changer for me. This means I can throw a quick post up anytime! Pretty sweet.

Oh yeah that picture was just sort of a test for me to see how to add pictures. Hope it works.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Me and Tony

Me and Tony
Originally uploaded by SheriKim82

This is probably one of my most favorite pictures. Ever. I think it captures the relationship between me and Tony pretty near perfectly. I mean, basically I smother and love him to death and he sort of tolerates me. But you can see the little tiny bit of a smile and the secret enjoyment he gets out of the whole thing there on his face. A little, right?

Taking Off

OK, I'm trying to get into this blogging thing. You would think I'd be all over this. I like writing, and I like reading other people's blogs, ergo... I should blog. But somehow its not such a simple jump... I can't even design the stupid template to be the way I want, but I figured if I spent anymore time on that, I'd probably end up with a semi-decent template and no actual posting... so here's my attempt at getting started... again.